Writing , life

Blogversary Three in January!

January heralds my blog’s third birthday.


As usual I mixed the dates of registration but WordPress didn’t forget and promptly sent a congratulatory message.

I was caught by surprise. The event demanded a magnificent post worthy of Blogversary Three in a timely manner.

Easier said than done.


You see, one thing I’ve learnt in these three years- writing is hard and magnificent writing is even harder.

It requires inspiration, a great deal of rewriting, at times incubation in a folder called drafts, buffing and polishing the paragraphs till I hit publish.


That should do but then I read the published piece and again hit edit. Did I mention my inner critic is constantly whispering in my ear and upping my anxiety levels.

* Stick to a particular genre.

* This is probably not going to be good enough to be read by anyone.

* The writing is too pretentious for people to connect.


“Have no fear of perfection. You will never reach it.”

– Salvador Dali

I just have to remember that when the process is on.

Actually writing a post every month without a break, that is an achievement I am proud of. The feeling remains when I read my old ones.

Yes! I actually did a fine job .

Then I’m reminded of all the things I do to narrate a story and make it interesting.


My photo folders are bursting at seams with captured moments, I’m mostly haunched over my key board trying to pluck the right words to match them and also keep an eye on the monthly posting schedule.

Cool fact: I’ve been appointed the family historian, a culture watcher, the keeper of traditions and memories, the General Planet guide to temples, town and wild woods. The family gives me a wide berth when they see me clicking or generally curiously; they nod, “it is for her blog.”

Finally, ‘what is a writer without an audience.’

I’ve begun to appreciate the time it takes to read, to allow the words to strike a chord and then make the effort to give feedback; this connection transcends age, gender, distance and time. Unbelievable, right!

I’m envious of my fellow bloggers who effortlessly post multiple times a week and each time say something interesting. You urge me on.

To all the folks who follow my blog and the ones who came across my posts randomly, every time you read or even like, connect over comments, it is vital that you know, incredible doesn’t do justice to what I feel.

Thank you! You are the wind beneath my wings.

“There are some days when I think I’m going to die from a dose of satisfaction.”

– Salvador Dali

I suppose today is one of those days.

Here’s to making the fourth year epic!

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