Pop culture , movies · TV

Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) The K- Wave

K for Korea. Hence K- Pop, K- Drama, K- movies and they have taken over my social media completely. Memes, video snippets, gif, gossip, breaking news. Honestly, I’m at sea. I have seen only one Korean film, Train to Busan, that too long ago. I had loved it. It had drama, high octane action, a… Continue reading Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) The K- Wave

Books ,movies · Chaotic Thoughts · Corona Chronicles

Filmy Thoughts: Dune 2021

Yesterday I watched the movie Dune on the big screen. Thoughts of a giant sand worm with its maw open wide, flashes of startling blue eyes against brown skin and desert sands swirled in my head. Woke up in the morning with the Dune hangover intact. Hence, I had to pour my thoughts in this… Continue reading Filmy Thoughts: Dune 2021